news update monsoon

मुंबई 04,जून (mumbai) वेसे तो इस बार मई में कई प्रान्तों लगातार बर्षा(rain) होती रही जिससे तापमान गिरता उठता रहा। लेकिन मोसम विभाग ने 08 जून 2023 तक मानसून महाराष्ट्र पहुँचने का अनुमान लगाया है।

आज 04 जून 2023 को मुम्बई में सुबह से ही हल्के हल्के बादल छाये हुए है मौसम एकदम सुस्क है। 10 बजे  दिन में भी धूप नहीं है। IMD के अनुसार 04 जून आज से केरल में मानसून आने की सम्भावना व्यक्त की गई है। लेकिन जून 2023 में कम वर्षा का अनुमान भी व्यक्त किया है। महाराष्ट्र में 10 जून 2023 से और लखनऊ(lucknow) यू0पी0 में 15 जून 2023 से कुछ शहरों में वर्षा होने का पूर्वानुमान है लगभग 20 जून से 30 जून के बीच में मौसम की बारिश की बात कही है। आज धूल-धुल्लड भी आने का अनुमान है। मौसम बिभागों का आंकलन करने के बाद यही निष्कर्ष निकला है कि जून में बादल छाये रहेंगे। गर्मी का प्रकोप कम रहेगा। मानसून बहुत तेजी से आगे बढेगा।

लेखक-अनिल यादव।

Mumbai Weather Update: A Look at the Monsoon Forecast and Rainfall Patterns

Introduction: Welcome to our comprehensive Mumbai weather update for June 2023. In this article, we will provide you with valuable insights into the upcoming monsoon season, including the monsoon forecast, rainfall patterns, and the current atmospheric conditions in Mumbai. Stay informed and prepared for the changes in weather that lie ahead.

Mumbai Weather Forecast: As we enter June 2023, Mumbai is currently experiencing dry weather conditions with clear skies and mild temperatures. However, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has made predictions about the possible onset of the monsoon in Kerala starting today. This indicates that the monsoon is expected to progress toward other regions, including Mumbai, in the near future.

According to the IMD, Maharashtra is likely to witness scattered showers from the 10th of June 2023 onwards, while certain cities such as Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh may start experiencing rainfall from the 15th of June 2023. The weather department has also hinted at the likelihood of rainfall between the 20th and 30th of June 2023. Additionally, hazy conditions are expected today, contributing to a slightly dusty atmosphere. These estimations suggest that June will bring intermittent cloud cover and relief from the scorching summer heat as the monsoon progresses rapidly.

Staying Prepared: It is essential to be prepared for the upcoming monsoon season in Mumbai. While the rainfall may be sporadic, it is advisable to keep an umbrella or raincoat handy. Stay updated with local weather reports and follow the IMD forecasts to plan your activities accordingly. As we move further into June, the intense summer heat will subside, making way for the much-awaited monsoon showers.

Conclusion: Stay informed about the Mumbai weather update for June 2023, which includes the monsoon forecast, rainfall patterns, and atmospheric conditions. Stay prepared for the changes in weather by keeping track of the IMD predictions and staying updated with local weather reports. As the monsoon progresses, embrace the relief it brings from the summer heat and appreciate the beauty of the rain in Mumbai. Stay safe, stay prepared, and make the most of the monsoon season in the city.

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